Gli stranieri nell’emergenza Covid-19. Profili di comparazione tra gli Stati membri dell’Unione europea
Foreigners in the Covid-19 emergency. Comparison profiles among European Union Member States – The article investigates whether and how EU Member States dealing with the health emergency caused by the spread of Covid-19 virus, have taken into consideration foreign people (intended as Third-Country Nationals) residing or otherwise present in their territories. By assuming Italy as the main comparing State, the Author analyses three different profiles: health protection and access to health services; interventions expressly directed to foreigners, with particular regard to entry and residence; access to social and working rights aimed at containing the economic impact of Covid-19. As a first conclusion, the A. highlights how Covid-19 demonstrates that foreigners are by now a structural and necessary element of EU Member States. Nonetheless, even in times of emergency, States are unwilling to protect the rights of foreigners without taking into consideration other aspects such as immigration control, regularity of residence and working needs of hosting States.
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