Riflessioni critiche sul trattamento giuridico e sui programmi per l’eradicazione delle modificazioni genitali femminili: il caso del Kenya
Female genital modifications; Kenya; Cultural relativism; Universality of human rights; Cultural pluralism.Abstract
Critical reflections on the legal treatment and on the programs for the eradication of female genital modifications: the case of Kenya – This article aims to underline the need of a renewed way of understanding female genital modifications and, therefore, the imperative of changing legal tools and programs created for their elimination. The scarcity of results and the negative effects of some of these interventions, along with the evidence provided by the anthropological research, sustain the necessity of a shift in the normative and extra-normative approach adopted until now. A multidisciplinary perspective would permit the reshaping of the modalities of application of human rights and would ease the path toward the coexistence of cultural pluralism and respect of fundamental rights.
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