Le risposte alla circolazione di Covid-19 negli Stati del Partenariato Orientale che hanno concluso accordi di associazione con la UE

Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Eastern Partnership States that have concluded association agreements with the EU

  • Caterina Filippini


The Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine are the only countries of the former Soviet Union to have signed Association Agreements with the European Union. In doing so they committed to respect the essential elements of these Agreements, among which democratic principles, human rights and freedoms. Moreover, all these three countries are members of the Council of Europe. The aim of this essay is, therefore, to verify whether the interaction with the aforementioned organizations has conditioned - or still conditions - the choices made by these States in terms of legal instruments adopted to prevent and reduce the spread of the new coronavirus-Covid-19

Jul 7, 2020
How to Cite
FILIPPINI, Caterina. Le risposte alla circolazione di Covid-19 negli Stati del Partenariato Orientale che hanno concluso accordi di associazione con la UE. DPCE Online, [S.l.], v. 43, n. 2, july 2020. ISSN 2037-6677. Available at: <https://www.dpceonline.it/index.php/dpceonline/article/view/990>. Date accessed: 08 sep. 2024.
Citation Formats
II - Sezione Monografica