Il carattere “neutro” dell’emergenza Covid-19 nei sistemi occidentali e il potenziale “politico” della crisi sanitaria in Egitto.

The "neutral" nature of the Covid-19 emergency in western systems and the "political" potential of the sanitary crisis from Covid-19 in Egypt


  • Emilio Minniti



The contrast to the health emergency caused by Covid-19 has shown, in the prevalence of democratic-liberal systems, a significant expansion of executive power at the expense of the function and role of Parliament. However, this has occurred outside the activation of the derogatory regimes provided for in most constitutions in "exceptional" cases. The reason for this common approach seems to be the politically "neutral" nature of the health emergency. The relationship between the current health crisis and the size of the state of exception changes as we move beyond the limits of democratic-liberal systems. In Egypt, in fact, the Coronavirus emergency has assumed, therefore, a considerable "political" potential, producing a change in the balance between the powers of the Egyptian state and an evolution of the system from a security point of view.

Keywords: State of Exception; Covid-19; Principle of Legality; Emergency Constitution; Egypt.




How to Cite

Minniti, E. (2020). Il carattere “neutro” dell’emergenza Covid-19 nei sistemi occidentali e il potenziale “politico” della crisi sanitaria in Egitto.: The "neutral" nature of the Covid-19 emergency in western systems and the "political" potential of the sanitary crisis from Covid-19 in Egypt. DPCE Online, 44(3).



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