L’origine della tutela del patrimonio culturale in Europa

The origin of the cultural heritage safeguarding legislation in Europe

  • Daniele Granara


A Country’s cultural heritage encompasses both physical artefacts with a universal artistic, historic, scientific, anthropological, ethnological, or aesthetic value and landscapes or natural objects with a particular beauty and originality, that distinguish every Country from the others. While the legislative protection of cultural artefacts has millenary origins, dating back to the time of ancient Rome, the one about landscapes was born later, as shown by the analysis of different European countries. However, the cultural value interesting all the objects included in the cultural heritage led the legislative protection development to a common point for the entire cultural heritage.

Jul 6, 2020
How to Cite
GRANARA, Daniele. L’origine della tutela del patrimonio culturale in Europa. DPCE Online, [S.l.], v. 43, n. 2, july 2020. ISSN 2037-6677. Available at: <https://www.dpceonline.it/index.php/dpceonline/article/view/958>. Date accessed: 08 sep. 2024. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.57660/dpceonline.2020.958.
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