L’accesso delle donne alla magistratura dall’Assemblea Costituente italiana alla prospettiva europea.
The access of women to the judiciary from the Italian constituent assembly to the European perspective
The study starts from the experience of women in the Constituent Assembly, in particular, of Angela Gotelli, who, with some other illustrious colleagues, played an active role in supporting the participation of women in the judiciary, which, finding no explicit mention in the Constitution, it remains entrusted to constitutional principles, up to Law 66/1963. Similarly, in France, every restriction on women's access to the judiciary was eliminated by the Law of 11 April 1946. At European level, women's access to the judiciary is of great importance, being linked to the prohibition of discrimination and the right to work protected by the ECHR, but the ECHR Court has not yet specifically expressed its opinion on the subject.
Keywords: Constitutions and ECHR; Women; Judiciary; Prohibition of discrimination.
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