«Chapter 9: Securing the Benefit of Cooperation» ovvero l’ambizione del Partito Laburista di realizzare un regionalismo cooperativo fra volontà riformatrice e occasioni mancate
«Chapter 9: Securing the Benefit of Cooperation» that is said the ambition of Labour Party to build cooperative regionalism between reformer will and missing opportunities
The Chapter 9 of the Report of the Commission on the UK’S Future is dedicated to the implementation of the cooperative government. The proposal of the Report is aimed at improving the British regionalism especially in environmental, health, economic and social fields. In order to assure the benefit of cooperation for the different levels of government all across the United Kingdom, the Report signalizes two features: the reform of the House of Lords which should represent the different British regions, nations and territories and the reform of the intergovernmental relationships through the introduction of new bodies, characterized by the vertical and horizontal cooperation.
Keywords: Second chamber; Intergovernmental relationships; Regionalism; Shared government
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