Solidarietà ecologica e dimensione comunitaria della tutela ambientale: l’impatto del formante ideologico nell’esperienza del Kurdistan siriano

Ecological solidarity and the communitarian dimension of environmental protection: the impact of the ideological formant in the experience of syrian Kurdistan

  • Maria Chiara Locchi
  • Jacopo Paffarini


This essay intends to focus on the characteristic features of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria’s environmental policies and practices. Rojava’s democratic confederalism, as an ideological formant resulting from Abdullah Öcalan's reinterpretation of the historical processes undergone by the Kurdish people, proves to be an institutional technique to “democratize interdependence” that should be established within a community. In alternative to separatist ambitions, that would only fuel an anthropocentric national economy based on exports of oil, gas and food commodities, the Autonomous Administration’s social ecology aims to overcome the hierarchies between both groups and individuals created by the extractive economy, restoring the ancestral concept of a living and sacred Nature, which has been lost.

May 31, 2023
How to Cite
LOCCHI, Maria Chiara; PAFFARINI, Jacopo. Solidarietà ecologica e dimensione comunitaria della tutela ambientale: l’impatto del formante ideologico nell’esperienza del Kurdistan siriano. DPCE Online, [S.l.], v. 58, n. SP2, may 2023. ISSN 2037-6677. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024. doi:
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