Covid-19 e diritti fondamentali: una comparazione tra cittadini dell’UE ed extracomunitari nel panorama del multilevel Constitutionalism
Freedom of movement; Immigration; Human rights; Covid-19.Abstract
Covid-19 and fundamental rights: a comparison between EU citizens and non-EU citizens in the context of the multilevel Constitutionalism– This contribution aims to investigate the relationship between the protection of fundamental rights and the limitation imposed by Covid-19 in the context of the multilevel Constitutionalism. In particular, we take into account the inequality of protection between EU citizens and non-EU citizens regarding the duo right to health and freedom of movement. If for the EU citizen the ratio of the limitation of freedom of movement is based on the protection of the right to health, for the non-EU citizen this limitation prevented the assurance of a safe harbour and has not been matched by a proper safeguard of the right to health.
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