Il Regolamento 2020/2092 alla prova concreta dei fatti: alcune indicazioni significative a partire dalla sua attivazione contro l’Ungheria

  • Simone Gianello


The Regulation 2020/2092 at the concrete proof of the facts: some meaningful indications starting from its implementation against Hungary – The article aims to analyze the purposes pursued in concreto by Regulation 2020/2092 which establishes a conditionality mechanism to protect the European Union budget. The Author, starting from the proceedings initiated by the Commission against Hungary, reflects on the potential of the instrument and its limits, trying to understand how it can effectively contribute to protecting the principles of the rule of law on which the European Union is based against the actions of degradation of these values carried out by the illiberal democracies over the last few years.

Jul 8, 2022
How to Cite
GIANELLO, Simone. Il Regolamento 2020/2092 alla prova concreta dei fatti: alcune indicazioni significative a partire dalla sua attivazione contro l’Ungheria. DPCE Online, [S.l.], v. 52, n. 2, july 2022. ISSN 2037-6677. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 oct. 2024. doi:
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