LE AUTHORITIES AL TEMPO DEL COVID-19. Riflessioni sul ruolo delle autorità indipendenti: modello in declino o consolidato?

  • Claudia Sartoretti


The authorities in the time of COVID-19. Reflections on the role of independent authorities: declining or consolidated model? - The essay begins by observing how, under the COVID-19 threat, the key actors seem to be once again the nation
states, more precisely the national governments and their political leaders: in essence what we are witnessing is a sort of “revival of the political”, which inevitably leads the scholar to question the role of independent authorities, that is those subjects characterized precisely  by a condition of detachment or separation from political power. In this sense, the article intends to verify the position in UE of the independent authorities in the COVID-19 emergency by focusing on the complex and problematic relationship between technique and politics in order to analyze the response that the independent regulatory authorities have given to the pandemic crisis. 

Jul 8, 2021
How to Cite
SARTORETTI, Claudia. LE AUTHORITIES AL TEMPO DEL COVID-19. Riflessioni sul ruolo delle autorità indipendenti: modello in declino o consolidato?. DPCE Online, [S.l.], v. 47, n. 2, july 2021. ISSN 2037-6677. Available at: <https://www.dpceonline.it/index.php/dpceonline/article/view/1347>. Date accessed: 07 sep. 2024. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.57660/dpceonline.2021.1347.
Citation Formats
II - Sezione Monografica

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