Valori autoctoni in Asia meridionale e costituzionalismo della tradizione occidentale

Autochthonous values in South Asia and the constitutionalism of the Western legal tradition

  • Pasquale Viola


The essay aims at highlighting the interconnexions amongst South Asian constitutional systems, be aware of the heterogeneity of constitutional values that seem the result of the layering dynamics between autochthonous and colonial features. To this end, the analysis provides a definition of ‘constitutionalism’ relatively consistent with the historical models of the Western legal tradition. The critical development of the contribution then focuses on the classification of South Asian constitutional phenomena, in order to verify whether constitutionalism—as a theoretical category—is able to encompass the forms and the structures of South Asian legal systems.

Mar 1, 2022
How to Cite
VIOLA, Pasquale. Valori autoctoni in Asia meridionale e costituzionalismo della tradizione occidentale. DPCE Online, [S.l.], v. 50, n. Sp, mar. 2022. ISSN 2037-6677. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 apr. 2024. doi:
Citation Formats
La produzione normativa nel pluralismo multilivello degli ordinamenti giuridici