Brevi note sulla declinazione della sussidiarietà verticale nelle esperienze federo-regionali europee con uno sguardo alla pandemia
Subsidiarity; Covid-19 pandemic; Germany; Italy; Swiss.Abstract
An overview of subsidiarity in some European experiences during the covid-19 pandemic – The study illustrates the development of the idea of subsidiarity and its recognition as a legal and constitutional principle in the sources of European states. Then analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the application of the principle in relations between levels of government in Germany, Swiss and Italy. In this crisis, the principle of subsidiarity can play an important role in enhancing the demands of the lowest levels of government, if accompanied by a robust and consolidated cooperative system between the center-periphery, while where the paths of collaboration and cooperation between the levels of government are
weakening the principle of subsidiarity lends itself to a reading more favorable to centripetal dynamics.
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