L’etero-normazione di matrice religiosa nei sistemi multiculturali: la sharia in Occidente e l’impatto sul sistema delle fonti del diritto
Religious hetero-regulation in multicultural systems: Sharia law in the West and the impact on the sources of law system
Legal pluralism, sources of law system, Sharia law, democratic non-Islamic StateAbstract
This essay initially considers the relationship between legal pluralism and religious pluralism: two pluralisms that increasingly seem to become entangled in open contemporary societies.
The second point focuses attention on the problem of the application of Sharia law in the territorial space dominated by a non-Islamic, democratic, pluralist State with a Western cultural matrix.
The entry of Sharia law into the legal context of the secular State takes place through some gates: the legal features of these gates deserve to be observed, only some of which are manned by gatekeepers.
Finally, the last and final question: the impact of the application of extraneous rules on the traditional system of sources of state law and on some consolidated categories
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