La “Digital Nation” e il futuro dello Stato-nazione. Il caso di “e-Estonia”

The “Digital Nation” and the future of the Nation-State. The case of “e-Estonia”


  • Lucia G. Sciannella



The article deals with the so called Estonian digital revolution, whose core is represented by the digital citizenship. Since 2000, the right to access to the Internet has been enclosed among the social rights together with the duty of the State to remove any form of discrimination in the rates of the connection services. In the digital dimension, citizens participate with their ID-Card, through which they handle their digital identity. The next step is represented by e-democracy and the connected Internet-Voting and the measures aimed at implementing governmental transparency (through e-government).


access to the Internet, digital citizenship, e-democracy, I-Voting, e-government




How to Cite

Sciannella, L. G. (2017). La “Digital Nation” e il futuro dello Stato-nazione. Il caso di “e-Estonia”: The “Digital Nation” and the future of the Nation-State. The case of “e-Estonia”. DPCE Online, 21(1).