Gli effetti della crisi sanitaria sull’esercizio del suffragio negli Stati Uniti d’America: considerazioni sul recente contenzioso relativo al voto per corrispondenza e anticipato
The effects of the health care crisis upon the exercise of the franchise in the United States of America: remarks about litigation concerning mail in and early balloting
After acknowledging the limits of States’ discretion in framing election legislation under the US Constitution, the work attempts to trace the origins of absentee balloting and sketches a tentative portrait of its regulation nationwide before the Covid-19 pandemics. The analysis of the amendments adopted to face the consequences of the health emergency and the stances taken by State and federal courts in adjudging the challenges to these changes enables to draw some remarks on the role of judicial review of election legislation, especially with reference to decisions delivered very close to the date when elections are held.
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