La dignità della vita ed il “diritto di morire” in Francia. Ratio, fisionomia e trasformazione della morte come parte integrante della vita
Dignity of life and the “right to die” in France. Basis, physiognomy and transformation of death as an integral part of life
France; Termination of life; Dignity; Self determination; BioethicsAbstract
Expressions like “decisions on termination of life”, “right to die with dignity”, “euthanasia”, “assisted suicide” have found room not only on the pages of case law, of jurisprudence and in the political discussions, but in ordinary speech, too. The right to a life full of dignity, which implies the right to die with dignity or rather the refusal of an existence with no more dignity has become related with one person’s autonomy. This thinking takes uncertain bounds, it goes beyond the juridical context, it involves ethical, philosophical, theological aspects, it goes so far as to put limits to scientific research itself. After a brief analysis of the constitutional and legislative regulations in France, the role CCNE has assumed especially as to the law on bioethics is emphasized.
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