Privatizzazioni e Costituzione nella Francia di Macron: la Loi Pacte alla prova del bloc de constitutionnalité
Privatizations and Constitution in Macron’s France: the Loi Pacte facing the test of the bloc de constitutionnalité
The article analyses the recent privatization plan of the companies under governmental control operating the airports within the Paris area, the national lottery and the energy supply undertaken by the administration of President Macron. By going through the three decades long jurisprudence of the Conseil Constitutionnel
concerning nationalizations and privatizations of public services, the article offers an overview of the established construction of the relevant constitutional provisions, while also attempting to provide some remarks on the most recent decisions of the French constitutional judge.
Keywords: Privatizations; national public services; de facto monopolies; bloc de constitutionnalité; Conseil Constitutionnel.
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