Dignità/Solidarietà v.libertà/sicurezza: le istituzioni scolastiche nella disciplina sul bullismo ed il cyberbullismo nell’esperienza italiana e statunitense
Dignity/Solidarity v. liberty/security: school in bullying and cyberbullying regulation in the Italian and US experience - Bullying has long been a concern for students, parents, teachers, and school administrators; technological advances (including the internet, cell phones, and social media) have transformed the nature of bullying and allow “cyberbullies” to extend their reach far beyond the schoolhouse gate. In the United States and Italy, legislators have passed legislation on bullying or cyberbullying, but these regulations are quite different: Italian legislation aimed to set up a system of governance to prevent these problems while American state legislation is repressive; the main Italian legislation purpose is to prevent bullying and to re-educate bullies while the US principal concern is to avoid potential liability for violating students’ free speech rights. The prism of dignity and liberty offers an accurate mechanism to compare these two models of regulatory systems.
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