Le forme del diritto sovranazionale. Riflessioni di sintesi

Forms of Supranational Law: Conclusive Remarks

  • Guerino D’Ignazio


Constitutionalism needs to rediscover a supranational dimension and to loosen the strong link with the notion of the nation State. The processes of supranational integration have undermined a State model inspired by a complete, self-referential system closed to any form of external interference in internal relations and have been growing in number and intensity in all the world, also to cope with an increasingly aggressive economy and market. Then, starting from economic trends, these processes have conditioned in various ways and with different intensity the field of constitutionalism, politics, institutions and also the protection of rights. The topics dealt with by the speakers at the Conference session further strengthen the idea that it is necessary to abandon the monodisciplinary perspective and open up to a perspective that can only be interdisciplinary.

Mar 1, 2022
How to Cite
D’IGNAZIO, Guerino. Le forme del diritto sovranazionale. Riflessioni di sintesi. DPCE Online, [S.l.], v. 50, n. Sp, mar. 2022. ISSN 2037-6677. Available at: <https://www.dpceonline.it/index.php/dpceonline/article/view/1502>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.57660/dpceonline.2021.1502.
Citation Formats
Le fonti del diritto sovrannazionale