Back to 2000. Appunti critici sulla leadership degli Stati Uniti nel diritto comparato di fine Novecento
Back to 2000. Critical notes on the US leadership in Comparative law at the of the 20th century
Comparative law, which in the year 2000 is about to celebrate its 100th 'birthday', is a discipline in search of its own identity after the radical transformations following the end of the Cold War. Among the main changing features of this phase there is the rise of the United States which aspires to get the “leadership” of Comparative law, being able to count on international university campuses, popular journals, well-organized associations, and extensive funding. All things that Europe, on the other hand, struggles to show in these times. Yet, even in this scenario, the role of European comparatists and ultimately the tradition of Comparative law on the Old Continent proves to be central, blunting the expectations of leadership of US Comparative law.
Keywords: Comparative legal history; US comparative law; Critical legal studies
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