La Gender Equality nei Consigli di Giustizia dell’European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ)
The gender equality within the Councils of Justice of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ).
Gender balance; Gender equality index; Councils of Justice; European Network of Councils for the Judiciary; European Union; LawAbstract
This article aims to illustrate and comment on the respect of the principle of gender balance within the Councils of Justice which belong to the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ). First of all, particular attention will be focused on the Italian case, where the percentage of women in the Councils of Justice is very low indeed. Moreover, the States which present a specific legislation on gender equality regarding the composition of the Councils of Justice will be analyzed (i.e. France, Belgium, Spain and Denmark). In fact, the main purpose of this research is to underline the good practices adopted by the legal systems taken into account in order to provide insights to other Members States of the European Union with regard to the improvement of their gender equality policies.
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