Strumenti di gestione della diversità culturale dei popoli indigeni in America Latina: note sull’interculturalità
Tools for managing cultural diversity of indigenous peoples in Latin America: remarks on interculturality
The contribution is aimed at providing some introductory remarks on the notion of interculturalidad in Latin America from a legal perspective, starting
from a reflection on the specialized literature on the matter (§ 2) and then moving to its articulation in the context of the Organization of American States and in the constitutional system of Ecuador, which is a plurinational and intercultural State. The legal implications of this concept will be outlined through the analysis of the 2016 American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (§ 3) and the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (§ 4). The Ecuadorian legal system will be examined on the basis of its constitutional design and on the intercultural approach formalized in some decisions of the Constitutional Court (§ 5).
Keywords: Indigenous peoples; Interculturalism; Intercultural dialogue; Cultural diversity; Human rights.
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