Il rispetto dei valori fondanti dell’Unione e l’attivazione della procedura di controllo alla luce delle recenti vicende di Polonia e Ungheria
The compliance with the founding values of the Union and the activation of the monitoring mechanism in the light of the recent Polish and Hungarian affairs
Founding values, Rule of law, UnanimityAbstract
The recent internal affairs of Poland and Hungary recalled the attention about the respect of the founding values of the Union, enshrined in Art. 2 TEU. The complexity of the sanctioning procedure, set out in Art. 7 TEU - in particular, the unanimity required by the Treaties for the suspension of the rights of the States liable for the violations - reopened the debate about the actual effectiveness of the coercion means available for the Union in order to ensure that the rules, once they have been breached, are (again) respected.
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