Brown v. Board of Education oltre confine: la circolazione transnazionale di una landmark decision nella lotta alle discriminazioni in ambito educativo

Brown v. Board of Education beyond borders: the transnational circulation of a landmark decision in the fight against discrimination in education

  • Maria Chiara Locchi


The present paper aims to address the impact of Brown v. Board of Education. It first sums-up the main features of the reasoning of the court; it then analyzes the impact of the decision beyond race-based segregation in schools (e.g., in public spaces, workplaces, and discrimination in school access based on gender, disability, language, ethnicity, etc.). It then analyzes the citation of the foreign legal precedent by other constitutional courts, namely that of Colombia and Czech Republic. The final aim is that of demonstrating that citation ends up being essentially rhetorical.

Tag: Brown, segregation, discrimination, Colombia, Czech Republic

Feb 2, 2017
How to Cite
LOCCHI, Maria Chiara. Brown v. Board of Education oltre confine: la circolazione transnazionale di una landmark decision nella lotta alle discriminazioni in ambito educativo. DPCE Online, [S.l.], v. 24, n. 4, feb. 2017. ISSN 2037-6677. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 sep. 2024. doi:
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