Intelligenza artificiale e protezione dei dati personali: problemi di metodo e di procedura

Artificial intelligence and the protection of personal data: methodological and procedural problems

  • Rolando Tarchi
  • Andrea Gatti


The constitutional challenges posed by AI systems implicate a range of rights and interests (from personal freedom, equality and non-discrimination, health protection, to the proper functioning of democratic institutions). At the core of all these
issues lies the protection of personal data as a fundamental right, and at least two other fundamental values of general importance shared by all the Western constitutional tradition: individual identity and personal freedom. The aim of this paper is to summarise and analyse, in a comparative perspective, how the different strategies for the AI governance implemented by the European Union and by some key-US states affect these constitutional interests and are consistent with the goals they seek to achieve. 

Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Data protection; Privacy; European union; United states; Fundamental right

Jul 19, 2024
How to Cite
TARCHI, Rolando; GATTI, Andrea. Intelligenza artificiale e protezione dei dati personali: problemi di metodo e di procedura. DPCE Online, [S.l.], v. 64, n. 2, july 2024. ISSN 2037-6677. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 16 sep. 2024. doi:
Citation Formats
Sfide della protezione dei dati personali e IA: un approccio comparato

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