Il “decisore tecnologico” nei conflitti e la “linea sottile” fra tipicità e atipicità del bellum

Technology decision-maker in conflicts and the blurry line between typical and atypical wars


  • Chiara Graziani



This work analyses the use of technology – and, in particular, of artificial intelligence tools – in two different types of conflicts. The first is a “typical” war, i.e., the post-9/11 war on terror, while the second is a “typical” one, i.e., the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, whose outbreak dates back to 24 February 2022.

The aim of the research is to find out whether (or not) existing similarities and analogies in the use of technology in these two types of conflicts are contributing to blur the line between typical and atypical war.


Keywords: War; Armed conflicts; Counter-terrorism measures; Ukraine; Technology; Artificial intelligence.




How to Cite

Graziani, C. (2024). Il “decisore tecnologico” nei conflitti e la “linea sottile” fra tipicità e atipicità del bellum: Technology decision-maker in conflicts and the blurry line between typical and atypical wars. DPCE Online, 63(SP1).

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