L’audizione dei richiedenti protezione nel riconoscimento del diritto di asilo in Europa, tra esigenze di celerità e tutela dei diritti. Uno sguardo comparato
The hearing of protection seekers in the recognition of the right to asylum in Europe, between needs of celerity and protection of rights. A comparative overview
asylum seekers; asylum hearing; asylum judge; Common European Asylum System; recognition of international protectionAbstract
Europe is currently facing a great immigration; therefore, many Member States are struggling in managing all the asylum applications they receive, as we ll as in finding a balance between the need to speed up the examination procedures of the latter and the obligation to respect the rights of the foreigners. Within this context, the essay tries to assess, with a comparative perspective, whether Italy and F rance are able to guarantee effectiveness to the right of asylum they substantially proclaim, with a specific focus on the right of the asylum seekers to be heard before the judge, considering how fundamental their narration is in that kind of processes.
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