La compenetrazione biunivoca tra politica e scienza nella progettazione normativa: un problema o un’opportunità?

La compenetrazione biunivoca tra politica e scienza nella progettazione normativa: un problema o un’opportunità?

  • Luca Di Majo


Between science and politics have a conflicting and ambiguous relationship. Experts have taken a leading role in determining political direction. Often the boundary between the technical and political moment has not been very clear. Some critical profiles have led to an alteration in the relationship between politics and science: the subjugation of technology to politics, the sectoriality of technology, the creation of a technical-political bloc incapable of governing conflicts and removed from the ordinary cycle of evaluation of political responsibility. The recovery of the primacy of politics and the transparency of the criteria for the selection of external contributions can contribute to the rediscovery of a more lively dialectic in the relationship between politics and technology during the phases of law making process.

Mar 2, 2022
How to Cite
DI MAJO, Luca. La compenetrazione biunivoca tra politica e scienza nella progettazione normativa: un problema o un’opportunità?. DPCE Online, [S.l.], v. 50, n. Sp, mar. 2022. ISSN 2037-6677. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024. doi:
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Le fonti dell’emergenza nella crisi pandemica