L’amministrazione della giustizia in Ungheria: un sistema istituzionale “bicefalo” di derivazione “democratico-illiberale”
The administration of the Judiciary in Hungary: A “bicephalous” institutional system with a “democratic-illiberal” derivation
Hungary; Judicial Council; rule of law; independence; judges.Abstract
In recent years the link between the organisation of judiciary and the rule of law has become a core-issue at both national and European level. The evolution of the constitutional and legislative system of administration of justice in Hungary is a paradigmatic example of this trend. The latter will be analysed in the light of assessing the evolving role attributed and played by the National Council of Justice. A special focus on the confrontation between the Council and the President of National Judicial Office will be provided, within a system which is classified as hybrid and “bicephalous” which is the expression of a “illiberal democratic” constitutional order.
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