La House of Commons britannica all’epoca di John Bercow: una difesa costituzionale dello Speaker

The British House of Commons during John Bercow’s tenure: a constitutional defense of the Speaker


  • Daniele Camoni



Abstract: The British House of Commons during John Bercow’s tenure: a constitutional defense of the Speaker – This essay aims at analysing and praising the recent evolutions of British parliamentarism under the decennial tenure of John Bercow as Speaker of the House of Commons (2009-2019). After a description of the institutional role and functions of the Speaker, the article will outline Bercow’s interpretation of some Westminster formalisms and rules of procedure: in particular, it will focus on his support to backbench causes, his commitment to strengthen debate between Government and opposition parties as much as
possible and his (controversial?) role and rulings during the Brexit parliamentary votes.

Keywords: British parliamentarism; Speaker of the House of Commons; parliamentary
procedure; Backbenchers; Brexit.




How to Cite

Camoni, D. (2020). La House of Commons britannica all’epoca di John Bercow: una difesa costituzionale dello Speaker: The British House of Commons during John Bercow’s tenure: a constitutional defense of the Speaker. DPCE Online, 44(3).

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