Gli strumenti normativi e finanziari della politica di coesione dell’Unione europea tesi alla valorizzazione della dimensione ambientale
Legal and Financial Instruments of the EU Cohesion Policy for the valorisation of the environmental issues
The regulation of the EU Cohesion Policy for the on-going programming period adopts a renewed approach to the valorisation of the
environmental issues, characterised from a remarkable improvement of the legal and financial instruments provided at this purpose. This approach introduces within the system of rules of the Structural Funds specific Thematic Objectives – so called “green objectives” – for the achievement of the environmental targets, supported by increased funding measures and strengthened monitoring mechanisms. It is also consistent with the horizontal character of the protection of the environment, which is more and more interconnected with other European policies.
Keywords: Cohesion Policy; Green objectives; Structural Funds; Assessment; Green
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