La tutela della salute nell’Unione europea attraverso l’azione nel campo delle malattie rare

Health protection in the European Union by means of the action in the field of rare diseases –


  • Alessandro Perfetti



Abstract: Over recent years the European Union has carried out a remarkable action for fighting against rare diseases. This action has been developed in three directions: coordinating the national health policies; promoting the implementation of the regulations on orphan drugs and cross-border healthcare; supporting the frontier research for therapeutic treatments. Although characterized by the prevalence of non-binding acts and largely aimed at the coordination of the activities performed by Member States, the EU’s action in this field has produced considerable developments in the improvement of care of millions of patients suffering from a rare disease in Europe.

Keywords: Rare diseases; National health policies; Orphan drugs; Cross-border healthcare; Public health.




How to Cite

Perfetti, A. (2017). La tutela della salute nell’Unione europea attraverso l’azione nel campo delle malattie rare: Health protection in the European Union by means of the action in the field of rare diseases –. DPCE Online, 29(1).