Il “caso Nóos”: una nuova crisi o un nuovo inizio per la Corona spagnola?
The “Nóos case”: a new crisis or a new beginning for the Spanish Monarchy?
Abstract: The “Nóos case”: a new crisis or a new beginning for the Spanish Monarchy? – The essay deals with the ruling of the Audiencia Provincial of the Balearic Islands, issued on 17 february 2017, relating to a complex judicial case which involved two members of the Spanish Royal Family: the daughter of the former King, Juan Carlos, Cristina, and her husband, Iñaki Urdangarin. Urdangarin was found guilty of a few crimes (embezzlement, tax fraud, abusing of his status as member of the Royal Family) whereas Cristina was acquitted of the criminal charges of tax fraud and money laundering and she was sentenced only to civil liability. As such, there are some doubts about the possibility of her remaining in the royal succession line. The author tries to analyse the constitutional consequences of this judicial case, evaluating the important and delicate role played by the Crown in Spain.
Keywords: Spanish Monarchy; Succession; Judicial power, Impartiality, Equality.
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