L’Antropocene nella letteratura giuridica francese e francofona
The Anthropocene in French and Francophone Legal Literature
The Anthropocene is a geological epoch in which the impact of human activities has led to irreversible effects on the planet, challenging the concept of fungibility and replaceability in environmental matters. This paper examines the growing interest in redefining the role of law and culture in the Anthropocene era, specifically through the lens of French and Francophone legal literature in the European context. The study explores the potential of rethinking traditional legal paradigms in relation to environmental issues by embracing the perspective of planetary boundaries and considering the principles of ecological solidarity and resilience as innovative tools for establishing legal responsibilities towards future generations.
Keywords: Anthropocene; Environmental law; Planetary boundaries; Francophone legal literature; Ecological solidarity; Precautionary principle; Non-regression; Transgenerational interests
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