Dalle clausole pacifiste alle clausole di cooperazione societaria: percorsi comparativi e interdisciplinari

From “no-war clauses” to “international cooperation clauses”: comparative and interdisciplinary paths


  • Renato Ibrido




The paper aims to analyze – in a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective – the legal structure of the constitutional provisions concerning foreign and defense policy. In particular, in the first part, it examines the legal structure of the no-war clauses, identifying some relevant case-studies. In the second part, the paper analyzes the international cooperation clauses, that is the constitutional obligations which commit the State to promoting the development of the International Society.

Keywords: Foreign and defense policy; Geopolitics; International society; No-war clauses; International cooperation clauses.




How to Cite

Ibrido, R. (2024). Dalle clausole pacifiste alle clausole di cooperazione societaria: percorsi comparativi e interdisciplinari: From “no-war clauses” to “international cooperation clauses”: comparative and interdisciplinary paths. DPCE Online, 63(SP1). https://doi.org/10.57660/dpceonline.2024.2124

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