L’impatto del Covid-19 sui federalizing process degli Stati composti. Riflessioni comparate
The Impact of Covid-19 on the Federalizing Process of Regional and Federal States. Comparative Reflections
Abstract: The Impact of Covid-19 on the Federalizing Process of Regional and Federal States. Comparative Reflections – The impact of Covid-19 on the federalizing process continues to be a central topic in the political and institutional debate regarding the ability of these States to be able to effectively address the very complex and varied consequences caused by the pandemic emergency. The comparative analysis of some federal and regional States has highlighted how some systems have demonstrated their ability to manage very complex and critical situations, maintaining a continuous relationship of collaboration both horizontally with the other territorial institutions and vertically with the central Governments. However, the need has been felt for new models and new forms of relationships that allow regional and federal States to make the territorial articulation of powers a resource and not an obstacle for dealing with emergencies. In fact, territorial pluralism and the regional and local institutions can also represent an advantage in emergency situations, since they allow the differentiation and flexibility of interventions on individual territories in proportion to the level of severity of the crisis, but, at the same time, they can become a major obstacle to the effectiveness of interventions if conflicts arise in intergovernmental relations.
Keywords: Emergency law; Federalizing Process; Pandemic Sars-Cov2; Institutional Cooperation; Differentiation and Flexibility.
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