La cittadinanza della salute nell’Unione Europea: il fenomeno della mobilità transfrontaliera dei pazienti, dalla libera circolazione alla dimensione relazionale dei diritti

The health citizenship in the European Union: the cross-border mobility of patients, from free movement to the relational dimension of rights


  • Lucia Busatta



The present paper purports to analyze the phenomenon of the free movement of people within the European Union for health-related or health services-related reasons. It further purports to outline the different legal position of the patients vis-à-vis the right to access to cross-border health services. The final aim is that of showing that a new individualistic conception in rights’ protection is emerging, and what are the risks of exacerbating the idea of a ‘patient-consumer.’

Tag: free movement, European Union, health, services, cross-border




How to Cite

Busatta, L. (2017). La cittadinanza della salute nell’Unione Europea: il fenomeno della mobilità transfrontaliera dei pazienti, dalla libera circolazione alla dimensione relazionale dei diritti: The health citizenship in the European Union: the cross-border mobility of patients, from free movement to the relational dimension of rights. DPCE Online, 23(3).