Terzo settore e interesse generale in prospettiva comparatistica europea

Third Sector and General Interest in European Comparative Perspective


  • Elena Grasso
  • Piercarlo Rossi




The article takes into consideration the notion of general interest as the basis of the reform of Third Sector organizations and constitutes a guide in the reconstruction of the protection granted to non-profit organizations not only in Italy, but also in Europe. In this sense, the general interest is that of the plurality of individuals which is the constitutive community of the order, and which must in any case be protected exclusively or principally. The present contribution analyzes the intersection of the European discipline with the not always homogeneous one of national states.

Keywords: Third Sector; General Interest; Right of Establishment; Legal Reform; Internal Market.




How to Cite

Grasso, E., & Rossi, P. (2020). Terzo settore e interesse generale in prospettiva comparatistica europea: Third Sector and General Interest in European Comparative Perspective. DPCE Online, 41(4). https://doi.org/10.57660/dpceonline.2019.831