1093 Il rapporto tra procedimento disciplinare e procedimento penale nei confronti del funzionario pubblico alla luce della direttiva P.I.F.
The relationship between disciplinary and criminal proceedings against public officials in the P.F.I. Directive
The essay highlights the role played by the Directive (EU) 2017/1371 (called Directive P.F.I. by the acronym Protection of Financial Interests) in the relationship between disciplinary and criminal proceedings and its consequences for EU officials and other public officials who have committed an offense against the EU's financial interests. Hence, it argues that the exercise of disciplinary powers may well be envisaged by
national legislation (autonomously) and concludes about the need to reaffirm the legal autonomy of the disciplinary procedure from the criminal one to protect the social dimension of work.
Keywords: Public officials; Disciplinary and criminal proceedings; Union's financial interests; Ne bis in idem; Employment relations.
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