Lo stretto legame tra il crimine di corruzione e inefficienza della Pubblica Amministrazione in Polonia: una questione storica ancora irrisolta

The close link between the corruption crime and the inefficiency of the Public Administration in Poland: a long-standing issue to be resolved

  • Francesca Rossi


The present article aims to  provide a comprehensive survey on the delicate issue of corruption in Poland focusing on its diffusion within the public administration. The Criminal Code and the Civil Service Act are
supposed to be the primary means to fight corruption, but the polish system has established new measures with due regard for the international recommendations. The paper analyses both the most significant traditional tools and the innovative ones to find out the reasons why corruption still remains a severe concern in Poland despite its comprehensive legislative framework.

Keywords: Poland; Corruption; Bribery.


Apr 10, 2019
How to Cite
ROSSI, Francesca. Lo stretto legame tra il crimine di corruzione e inefficienza della Pubblica Amministrazione in Polonia: una questione storica ancora irrisolta. DPCE Online, [S.l.], v. 38, n. 1, apr. 2019. ISSN 2037-6677. Available at: <https://www.dpceonline.it/index.php/dpceonline/article/view/684>. Date accessed: 07 sep. 2024. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.57660/dpceonline.2019.684.
Citation Formats
Sezione Monografica