La tutela dei dati sensibili in materia sanitaria in Italia e Gran Bretagna. Le implicazioni della nuova proposta di regolamento europeo sulla protezione dei dati personali

Sensitive medical data protection in Italy and GB. The implications of the new proposed European Regulation on personal data protection.


  • Valentina Zangheri



This article provides for a clear overview of the data protection framework in the European Union (Directive 95/46/CE), and focusses on the Italian and British cases. Particular attention is paid to the regulation of anonymous and pseudo-anonymous data, and the exceptions defined for medical research, as well as the «Clinical Record Interactive Search tool». Finally, some conclusive remarks provide for interesting insights on the main legislative innovations on the matter.



Healthcare – CRIS – data protection – proposed Regulation – medical research




How to Cite

Zangheri, V. (2017). La tutela dei dati sensibili in materia sanitaria in Italia e Gran Bretagna. Le implicazioni della nuova proposta di regolamento europeo sulla protezione dei dati personali: Sensitive medical data protection in Italy and GB. The implications of the new proposed European Regulation on personal data protection. DPCE Online, 20(4).