Alla ricerca di un regime climatico internazionale per l’Antartide: problemi di giurisdizione degli Stati in un’area dall’incerto status giuridico

Climate Change and Antarctica: Some Issues of State Jurisdiction


  • Patrizia Vigni



Climate change has been increasingly devastated Antarctica. Thus, specific mitigation measures urge to be adopted. The governance of Antarctica is currently ensured by the Antarctic Treaty, which does not allow the exercise of any territorial sovereign rights. By contrast, global instruments aimed at fighting climate change are primarily based on the criterion of State territorial sovereignty in order to guarantee the implementation of their obligations. Effective climate change policies for Antarctica, therefore, require ascertaining, firstly, which actors can exercise their jurisdiction in this area and, secondly, which policies are most suitable for the peculiar Antarctic ecosystem.

Keywords: Antarctica; Climate change; Antarctic Treaty; Global treaties; State jurisdiction




How to Cite

Vigni, P. (2024). Alla ricerca di un regime climatico internazionale per l’Antartide: problemi di giurisdizione degli Stati in un’area dall’incerto status giuridico: Climate Change and Antarctica: Some Issues of State Jurisdiction. DPCE Online, 65(3).