Language, law and disability. Remarks on the linguistic aspects of the reform of art. 49 of the Spanish constitution

Linguaggio, diritto e disabilità. Osservazioni sugli aspetti linguistici della riforma dell’art. 49 della Costituzione spagnola


  • Jaime Rodríguez-Arana Muñoz
  • Miguel Ángel Sendín García
  • Elvira Jensen Casado
  • Antonio Vicente Azofra



Much progress has been made in the fight for the rights of people with disabilities, but significant discrimination still persists. A central aspect is the use of politically correct language. This element has achieved important triumphs in the struggle for rights, but it has also generated notable controversies and polemics. This paper critically examines the use of politically correct language, highlighting its virtues, but also its problems. The recent reform of Art. 49 of the Spanish Constitution, which adapts the language used by this precept to refer to people with disabilities to current times, is especially valued.

Keywords: People with disabilities; Reform of the Constitution; Politically correct language; Traditionally discriminated groups; Disability




How to Cite

Rodríguez-Arana Muñoz, J., Sendín García, M. Ángel, Jensen Casado, E., & Azofra, A. V. (2024). Language, law and disability. Remarks on the linguistic aspects of the reform of art. 49 of the Spanish constitution: Linguaggio, diritto e disabilità. Osservazioni sugli aspetti linguistici della riforma dell’art. 49 della Costituzione spagnola. DPCE Online, 65(3).