Oasis or mirage? Assessing the recent ECHR climate decisions through the lens of IACtHR pronouncements

Oasi o miraggio? Valutare le recenti decisioni della CEDU sul clima attraverso la lente della giurisprudenza della IACtHR


  • Nicolás Carrillo Santarelli
  • Francesca Ippolito




Reading the European Court of Human Rights decisions related to climate change as compared to Inter-American pronouncements reveals that the former is more formalistic and less prone to protection than the Inter-American counterpart; whereas the latter has recognized an autonomous right to a healthy environment with eco-centric collective dimensions. Altogether, the European decisions do provide some litigation opportunities, but the comparison highlights their limits and those of human rights law when dealing with environmental matters.

Keywords: Right to a healthy environment; Dignified life; Comparative law; Regional human rights courts; Critical analysis of law




How to Cite

Carrillo Santarelli, N., & Ippolito, F. (2024). Oasis or mirage? Assessing the recent ECHR climate decisions through the lens of IACtHR pronouncements: Oasi o miraggio? Valutare le recenti decisioni della CEDU sul clima attraverso la lente della giurisprudenza della IACtHR. DPCE Online, 64(2). https://doi.org/10.57660/dpceonline.2024.2202



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