Le Femtech: quando la fuga dei dati sanitari lede il «right to intimate privacy»
Femtech: when the leak of health data undermines the «right to intimate privacy»
The article aims to focus on the Femtech-phenomenon: Health-app addressing an array of “female” health needs that seems poisoned by risks in terms of privacy and personal free-dom. In the United States, millions of women-users urgently need protection because of an almost total lack of regulation and the risk of criminalization in the new post-Dobbs world. Through comparison with the European Union legal framework, I intend to stimulate a gen-eral reflection: the new technologies’ “regulatory challenges” to the traditional right to pri-vacy not only make clear that GDPR is not a panacea, but also the need to change approach.
Keywords: Femtech; Health-app; United States of America; Women's health data; Privacy
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