La Bussola Strategica 2022 Nuove metodologie e approcci bellici dell’UE

The Strategic Compass 2022 and the EU's new methods of warfare


  • Andrea Ruffo



The Strategic Compass was adopted by the European Union in March 2022 and marks an inescapable turning point, not only in the complex architecture of common EU integration but also in the approach to the subjects of Common Security and Defense.

In the context of the Common European Security and Defense Policy, the impact of the Document has a programmatic importance that should not be underestimated, with a particular focus on the areas: of operations, intelligence, investment development of the war and security industry, and partnerships with third countries. The Strategic Compass will be a first step toward greater integration among member countries and, at the same time, a tremendous opportunity for their individual national interests, obviously to be merged with respect to participation in the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty.

Keywords: EU; Defense; Cooperation; War; Strategy.




How to Cite

Ruffo, A. (2024). La Bussola Strategica 2022 Nuove metodologie e approcci bellici dell’UE: The Strategic Compass 2022 and the EU’s new methods of warfare. DPCE Online, 63(SP1).