Espansione o riduzione delle guerre civili nel mondo? Un conflitto trascurato: la guerra del Tigray

Expansion or reduction of civil wars in the world? A neglected conflict: the Tigray war


  • Rita Mingolla



The clinical and critical eye, in this particular and sensitive historical period, is focused on two fundamental issues that we are perfectly familiar with us, but it would be good and right to be constantly motivated to consider those war operations that continue to exist in the rest of the world. In particular, the paper is focused on a recent civil conflict in the Horn of Africa that would seem insulting but should be examined, namely, the inter-state conflict in the Tigray region of Ethiopia of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) forces against the Ethiopian federal government of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali. Research on the war conflict will be organized on a summary of the actors and antecedents; the motivations that fuelled the clash and progressive reconstruction of the main events; analysis of the Pretoria peace agreement; and national and international reactions. The reorganization of the news will be monitored constantly in order to have a complete and up-to-date picture of the events. Such research would make it possible to retrieve information from the past, expand knowledge of the present, and opine on the future that would fall to subsequent generations on the basis of a tangible mutation in the types of wars conducted. Therefore, the intended result in relation to the proposed topic is to demonstrate how statistically over a time frame of about thirty years, despite force majeure causes such as Covid-19, whether civil type conflicts are increasing or decreasing compared to cyberwars.

Keywords: Armed conflict; Peace agreement; Horn of Africa; Ethiopia; Tigray war.




How to Cite

Mingolla, R. (2024). Espansione o riduzione delle guerre civili nel mondo? Un conflitto trascurato: la guerra del Tigray: Expansion or reduction of civil wars in the world? A neglected conflict: the Tigray war. DPCE Online, 63(SP1).