Rigenerazione integrata europea e rigenerazione urbana nazionale: due modi diversi di intendere la trasformazione del territorio?

European integrated regeneration and national urban regeneration: two different ways to consider the transformation of the territory?


  • Luca Di Giovanni




Abstract: European integrated regeneration and national urban regeneration: two different ways to consider the transformation of the territory? - The paper, after a brief description of the European Union urban policies in the field of territorial and social cohesion, wants to compare the features of national urban regeneration with those of european regeneration, as described by “Dichiarazione di Toledo”. In particular, the paper wants to put the attention on the integrated approach and on the transversal method that european integrated regeneration applies in the evaluation of the territorial problems, with the aim to consider all relevant profiles, starting with the environmental aspects up to social and economic issues.

Keywords: european urban policies – european urban regeneration – integrated approach – national urban regeneration - differences.




How to Cite

Di Giovanni, L. (2023). Rigenerazione integrata europea e rigenerazione urbana nazionale: due modi diversi di intendere la trasformazione del territorio? European integrated regeneration and national urban regeneration: two different ways to consider the transformation of the territory?. DPCE Online, 57(1). https://doi.org/10.57660/dpceonline.2023.1800