Drifting Power Relations in the Egyptian Constitution: The 2019 Amendments


  • Gianluca Paolo Parolin




Abstract: Just five years after its coming into force, the 2014 Constitution of Egypt has been amended to accommodate changing power relations in the country. Arguably, citizens had little appetite for yet another round of amendments after the three years of tumultuous constitutional transition that followed the 2011 Revolution. Renegotiating the status and role of the Presidency, the Judiciary, the Legislative, and the Armed Forces was at the heart of the amendment process. The institutions traditionally limiting the executive seem to recede, while the President and the Armed Forces entrench their respective positions, seemingly posturing as a relative counter-power. 

Keywords: Presidential Terms; Bicameralism; Judicial Independence; Armed Forces; Egypt




How to Cite

Parolin, G. P. (2020). Drifting Power Relations in the Egyptian Constitution: The 2019 Amendments. DPCE Online, 44(3). https://doi.org/10.57660/dpceonline.2020.1147